Sunday, October 24, 2004

there's always a first time...

...isn't there?

at any rate, the 'x' instead of 's' for singularity -- the latter was already taken, hence the somewhat similar sounding 'x' in place. well, if you believe the pronunciation posted on for 'xavier' anyhow: zey'vyer -- unlike those idiots who dub x-men who pronounce it ekszey'vyer. but hey, it's a free world (and not that i watch the x-men cartoons on tv, just running across ads while channel surfing can get my goat).

besides, i happen to like x (think what you will. hehehe). x marks the spot, etc, etc. besides, in physics, what is a singularity except the ultimate full stop to the universe as we know it -- a point of infinite density or somesuch. odd, isn't it -- if current views of physics and cosmology are to be believed, the ultimate fate of the universe might likely be a cloud of infinitely dense points embedded in an ever-expanding emptiness, all in darkness; with naught but a distant memory of light in the form of microwaves (could be wrong on the microwave light-memory, though). makes for an interesting mind-picture, nevertheless (if you happen to go for those things, anyway).

so, why singularity (other than being my ostensible civil status)? well, i have this habit of concentrating on a given task almost to the exclusion of nearly anything else (does that make me single-track-minded?). so what will most likely happen in this blog is what could be long stretches of posts on the current item of study and/or pet peeve about current item of study. or something to that effect.

then there's the debate on the writing skill (or lack of it) of a certain ulysses ang of (god, what a name for an automotive website. imagine it.) whose 'work' is also published by the local version of the bbc magazine top gear... (much to the hair-pulling of his editors, no doubt). don't get me started... ...oh, but i already did. hehehe.

hmm. make sense? oh well.

so here we are, first faltering steps into the world of the blogosphere.

wish me luck.

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