Wednesday, November 03, 2004

when it rains pours

or something like that. it was a logical outcome; slept later than normal, woke later than desirable. read: late. naturally, it all goes on from there, a cascade of lateness. however, i find that, from time to time, it seems that once the critical threshold is breached (the point at which one can still barely make it on time, even if it takes a jaw-popping taxi ride to do so -- both from a monetary and hair-raising standpoint; and not that i have much hair to raise, being bald), the tension associated with trying to make it on time lessens somewhat.

today, for example, i was 41 minutes late.

the pain, of course, comes later -- when the paycheck rolls around. reminds me, gotta check what the peso/minute value of being late is.

oh yes, and it was raining when i woke up. if there's something i hate more than the fact that rain raises the inconvenience factor of getting to work immensely, it would have to be soaked shoes in an airconditioned environment. then again, it would be a royal bummer to be completely soaked and be in an airconditioned environment.

so, to forestall such an eventuality, i waited for the rain to stop. hence the 'way late' today.

get to work, and i'm back in some sort of limbo, now that the render system has been massaged to work on all our platforms. so now i'm googling for stuff that hopefully will speed up the mac...

...more later.

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